
UIA Newsletter – 27 APRIL 2021

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The 27th UIA World Congress of Architects — UIA2021RIO — will be entirely digital. Pandemic conditions and ongoing bans on large public gatherings have required the UIA2021RIO Organising Committee to transition to an online format — the programme will innovate to combine pre-recorded videocasts and live transmissions.The first UIA World Congress held entirely online, UIA2021RIO promises to attract the largest public in UIA history, drawing over 35,600 participants from 159 countries during its first online week (22-25 March) on the theme of Weaknesses & Inequalities. The second digital week, from 19 to 22 April, addressed Diversity & Mixture, uniting national and international experts in debates on the topics of Gender & Culture; Citizenship & Heritage; Globality & Singularity.See the programme and register here
RECONSTRUCTION & REHABILITATION OF THE AL NOURI COMPLEX: RESULTS“Courtyards Dialogue”, presented by Salah El Din Samir Hareedy, with Khaled Farid El-DeebSherif Farag EbrahimTarek Ali MohamedNoha Mansour RyanHager Abdel Ghani GadMahmoud Saad Gamal and Yousra Muhamed El-Bahaeight (Egypt), has won the international architecture competition for the Reconstruction & Rehabilitation of the Al Nouri Complex in MosulIraq. The winning design was selected from among 123 entries.The UIA-endorsed competition, a major component of Revive the Spirit of Mosul, UNESCO’s project for the rehabilitation of the ancient city, was organised by UNESCO in close coordination with the Iraqi Ministry of Culture and the Iraqi Sunni Endowment, with the support of the United Arab Emirates.More information
Weaving the Urban Fabric: Examining the Significance of Community © Abel Feleke – 2016 Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship recipient
UNITED KINGDOM: 2021 NORMAN FOSTER TRAVELLING SCHOLARSHIPThe Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) has opened applications for the 2021 Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship, which rewards one architecture student, funding travel and exploration of sustainability and urbanism.This year, in response to global travel restrictions, students can submit an alternative proposal to research a topic in their home country. Applications are welcome from students around the world and a £7,000 grant will be awarded to the winner, decided by a panel of judges including Lord Foster and RIBA President Alan Jones.More information
COSTA RICA: NEW PRESIDENT Architect Rashid Sauma Ruiz was elected as the new president of the Colegio de Arquitectos de Costa Rica (CACR),succeeding Rodrigo Martínez Suàrez. A university professor at Universidad Veritas for more than 10 years, he has professional experience in the public sector, as head of the Urban Development Department of the Municipality of Escazú, as well as in the private sector as a consultant. Co-founder of a design, construction and project management firm since 2000, his design and development company Sauma Arquitectos S.A. was founded in 2017. More informationLEBANON: BEIRUT CONFERENCEOn 10-11 April, the Order of Engineers and Architects Beirut, the Chaderji Foundation for Architecture and Society and the Fondation de France, in collaboration with Lebanese architecture schools and with the participation of experts organised a digital forum to discuss the challenges related to the reconstruction of Beirut following the explosion in August 2020. Among the topics discussed were affordable housingprotection & rehabilitation of urban heritage and the history and identity of the city of Beirut. The conference is available online.More information
USA: CONVENTION 2021The annual Convention of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) will be held entirely virtually for the first time this year on 17 June8 July29 July and 19 August. Each day of the Convention will focus on 4 main axes, Firm ResilienceSustainable PracticeCommunity Engagement and Building Efficiencies, and will include seminars, networking activities and keynote speakers.More informationITALY: VIRTUAL MUSEUM The National Council of Architects, Planners, Landscape Architects & Conservationists (CNAPPC) has created MuVArch, a virtual architecture museum. Current exhibitions include: “The best schools of the last five years”, “The best ideas for a school looking to the future”, “Young talent of Italian Architecture” and “(Re)designing the school with the new generations after Covid-19”.More information
ARCHITECTS’ COUNCIL OF EUROPE: SECTOR STUDYThe Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE) have commissioned the seventh edition of its Sector Study, a biennial survey that collects and analyses statistical, sociological and economic data on European architects, the architectural market and architectural practices. Based on responses from 25 600 architects in 26 European countries, the 2020 edition of the Study has been enriched with new research areas concerning the architectural profession and the built environment.More information
UN-HABITAT: CALL FOR CLIMATE ACTIONUN-Habitat has joined the United Nations in a call for climate action in preparation for the upcoming Conference on Climate Change (COP26) to be held in Glasgow in November 2021. The initiative focuses on urban areas and communities, emphasing what UN-Habitat Executive Director Maimunah Mohd Sharif calls the “urgent need to work with cities and national governments to reduce urban-based carbon emissions, build resilience to climate change and give a voice to the most vulnerable.”More information 
Hemma Fasch (left) and Schulcampus Neustift, photo by Hertha Hurnaus (right) 
VELUX: DAYLIGHT TALK NO. 3 WITH HEMMA FASCH The third Daylight Talk, hosted by Graz University of Technology and featuring Austrian architect Hemma Fasch will take place on 29 April. Fasch will discuss the office´s daylight approach and strategies, exemplified in educational and cultural projects in Austria, including the School Campus Neustift in Tyrol and the Federal School in Aspern, which won the 2019 Barbara Cappochin Prize. The Daylight Talks, organised by the VELUX Group in collaboration with individual schools of architecture and endorsed by the UIA and the European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE), explore the significance of natural light in architecture and present prominent architects and educators.More information
CUBA: CÉSAR GARRIDOCésar Garrido, President of the National Union of Architects and Construction Engineers of Cuba (UNAICC) passed away in Santiago, Cuba. The UIA conveys sincere condolences to his family, friends and colleagues. He was Vice-President of the Caribbean Region at the Federación Panamericana de Asociaciones de Arquitectos (FPAA), which has recalled C. Garrido’s “humility, commitment and fraternity” in regard to both organisations, UNAICC and FPAA.More information 
The International Union of Architects (UIA) is an international non-governmental organisation based in Paris. Established in 1948, it is the only organisation representing architects across the globe working to unify architects, influence public policies on construction and development, and advance architecture in service to the needs of society.
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Dear Esteemed Members, Colleagues, and Fellow Nigerians, Today, on World Environment Day, we gather to address the pressing challenges facing our environment. As architects, we have a critical role to


A gathering of Architects in the historical site of Ikogosi Warm Springs, Ekiti State provided the backdrop for a memorable experience. The Nigerian Institute of Architects (NIA) is delighted to